I believe that Technology in the classroom is an extremely useful tool that will enhance the learning of every student in school. Technology is very important to learn because it is constantly changing and being modified for the better each and every year. I would strongly recomend that students learn technology at a young age so that they know how to live in the very technology advanced world that we live in. Future teacher's like myself have to like and respect the use of technology in the classroom because it is such an amazing resource for learning and teaching the material in an interesting fashion.
With all of this being said, I strongly believe that there should be other ways of teaching the classroom than technology. It is very important to realize that not every teacher is going to be technology advanced and they will most likely lecture or give students standard types of note taking by writing on a board. I think that mixing things up in the classroom by using both technology and the more traditional way of teaching is very helpful for a student because they will be intellectually advanced in both the technological way and the traditional way of learning.
The drawbacks and pitfalls of using technology in the classroom is that it needs to be kept interesting...No student wants to hear a powerpoint lecture five times a week. There are so many different resources of technology that can be used everyday teaching a classroom, I strongly suggest that we mix things up and give our future students a variety of learning.
The final thing that I would have to say about my beliefs of technology and learning would be to just have fun with it! The kids in the classroom want to have fun and do some interesting things in school. It is our duty as educators to provide the students a fun and creative learning environment that allow them to be successful in the future.