Flipped Learning is a fairly new transformation in the educational system that has immensly benefited today's classroom. Flipped Learning, or Flipped Teaching, is a teaching method that uses computer or internet technology to maximize the classroom's learning. Flipped Learning gives students a better "do it yourself" or a better "hands on" way of learning and this allows teachers more freedom for classroom interactions, rather than constant lectures.
One positive outcome of Flipped Learning is that students are given an opportunity to become a creatively engaged learner and assimilate information with guided instruction and assistance from their teacher along the way. The hyperlink below is an article talking about positives of Flipped Learning and what can make a flipped learning environment successful.
The article states that; "a successful Flipped Learning environment personalizes the learning for EACH individual learner," which means that everyone learns in different ways. I believe that it is our job as future teachers to meet each students learning needs so that they can maximize their learning.
Another reason for a change in the educational system is to get away from the traditional system of learning. The traditional system of learning has been enact over the last 100 years and it has been more of a scheduled "skill & drill" and lecture period, than a productive learning environment. The type of learning now, still has a scheduled routine, but in the classroom students are now designated and engaged learners thanks to the Flipped Learning method. The Link below discusses more about traditional styles of teaching vs. the new Flipped Learning style: http://www.morrisflipsenglish.com/
There are some drawbacks of Flipped Learning and some questions that have yet to be answered. The biggest question tends to be if there is not enough technology use in the classroom (or in a school district) can you use flipped learning? The answer is yes, because there is a "Flipped Mindset" with Pillars for teachers to use. The Flipped Mindset enables creativity for teachers and at the end of the day there is still one common goal: help these students become engaged learners.
This is a link to a website that discusses the 3 Pillars that teachers use for the "Flipped Mindset": http://www.morrisflipsenglish.com/1/post/2012/07/so-you-want-to-flip-your-class.html
This embedded video is extremely interesting because it talks about some different methods that a teacher discusses about what kind of tools he uses in the "Flipped Classroom." Below are some of the important methods I was able to get from the video!
-Discusses "homeplay" YouTube video homework assignments
-Creates video's
-Makes/embeds video's in his powerpoint
-Group/Individual technology workshops
My future as a teacher really seems bright. I feel like I am almost technologically prepared to take on a Flipped Classroom. I do have some experience in teaching in front of a classroom and using the Flipped Learning method and I really feel comfortable with it. Flipped Learning is a very successful style of learning that students are really able to comprehend and is a source for them to reach their full potential. As a future teacher, we all need to better prepare ourselves for Flipped Learning and help these students learn to the best of their abilities.
These Last 3 Links Discuss Suggestions (and problems) for Flipping the Elementary, Middle School, and High School Classroom settings: